Paris Hilton

by Berndog

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kari (joinville-sc-brasil):
muito legal.
thewaymouth (Boston, MA):
That's hot. This is thewaymouth aka Mike Burns 4 U aka the black diamond dog's breakfast of champions like you. I burn 4 U, Berndog. First Paris is a model, then an artist, & now, thanks to you, art itself. The city of love & lights is become The Woman Of Lovelight. Paris France can have the Mona Lisa, I'll take the real "I fake it so real I am beyond fake" Paris Hilton. - Paris is the new black. - Right. The more they s**t on the most hated Hollywood celebrities, the more I will come let us adore them. - Bitch, please don't confuse hate with jealousy. - I hear that. Female celebs are not to be envied or hated & Brated, but rated A for Angels AND Devils, I don't care, but to celebrate them for being Hella Brilla Bellas. We'd all like to be like them so why not like them. Love them & they'll bring on the bling & show you the love you back. For who breaks a social butterfly upon a wheel? ~ BUTTERFLIES ~ ARE ~ FREE ~ Nic To Click Kicks Out The Motherfuckin Jams! You gotta FIGHT for your RIGHT to PARIS! LOHANARCHY for the USA! Our Fairytale Princess Model Muse Artist Goddesses... Heavenly Hell Yes. PARIS SIZZLES to be FREE.